Friday, December 2, 2011

Whoa Baby!

I'm 32 weeks & 3 days pregnant, and boy howdy do I feel it!  You wanna know why I am extremly uncomfortable this pregnancy??  Why my belly is so huge that it looks like I am ready to pop any day now??  No, there aren't multiples in here, but I do get asked that frequently.  It's because my baby is BIG, BIG, BIG!  According to both the books Your Pregnancy Week by Week and What to Expect When You're Expecting, it says my baby should weigh almost 4 pounds this week.  Well, Cason didn't get that memo because my maternal-fetal doctor is weighing him in at 5lbs 5oz.  And I'm at the stage where he will be gaining half a pound a week.  Let me do the math....if I were to deliver at full term he would be over 9 pounds.  Let me remind you that I am a small person!  Thankfully, we are going to induce almost 2 weeks early, so he should only be around 8lbs 5oz.  That's bigger that Coyt who was delivered exactly 2 weeks early and around 7lbs 9 oz.  OUCH!

Not only did I visit my perinatologist (aka maternal-fetal doc) today, but also the pediatric cardiologist.  And yesterday, I went to the OB.  It seems that Cason's heart is progressing as expected in a fetus with HLHS, but THANKFULLY there are no other complications arising at this time.  While getting my fetal echocardiogram (sono of the baby's heart) completed, there was a camera crew filming for a documentary on HLHS.  I'm really excited about being able to share our story with other parents of HLHS children. 

So we are about 90% sure that we will schedule for delivery of Cason on Thursday, January 12, 2012.  This day would be early enough that hopefully Cason won't come on his own, but late enough that he is well developed.  Also, this day would set up perfectly for Dr. Mendeloff to perform surgery at 4 days of life on Monday, January 16th.  My OB, perinatologist, & pediatric cardiologist are all on board with this, but we will have to wait and see what the other docs at Medical City think.  Too many people to make decisions!!  Call me superstitious, but I refuse to have this little guy on Friday the 13th.  I hope they don't try to push for that day:oP

Well, that's my update for now!  I will try to post as soon as we have more information.  Again, thank you for all your kind words and your prayers for our family!


  1. Been following your story and praying for you guys! Jan 12 is my birthday, so a good day to have a baby :) Gavin was born on Friday the 13th and everything was good, so don't be too supersticious :)


  2. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. We think Jan 12th is a good day at our house. I wont forget.
    Merry Christmas
    PS Katie (soup) wt was 9.8 her brother was 10 lbs. being big baby is a good thing..easier to hold!

  3. Glad all is going well Kim. Jan 12th is my dad's birthday, so a good day indeed. Which ever day baby Cason arrives will truly be a blessed day. Keep that positive spirit up. Always thinking of you guys. Big hugs from NC. Xoxo
