Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep the prayers a coming...

Well, we may not have as bad of a situation of our hands.  Since the chylothorax was discovered early and we switched treatment up so quickly, we may have only lost one day in our timeframe.  Yes, I know that you can't set timeframes when it comes to babies, but I'm a nurse and time management is what I have to do. 

I pray to YOU oh sweet LORD, please let this be a teenie tiny road bump.  I want my baby at home, so I can give him all the kisses he needs. I know you have your plan, but I pray that Cason doesn't hurt and comes home soon. AMEN.

Here's our little buddy sleeping peacfully last night:

and watching his mobile this morning:

1 comment:

  1. Precious prayers for all of you, Kim! What a blessing Cason and Coyt have in you as their Momma!!!
