Monday, October 10, 2011

Some of our prayers have been answered

While there is still no miraculous recovery for little Cason, some of our prayers have been heard.  Since congenital heart disease is such a special circumstance, I have a RN Case Coordinator hired out by my insurance to assist me with the process. She says I can see the doctors that I need to see at Medical City Children's and it won't be $100,000 out of our pocket as we were fearing.  This means the doctor that has an absolute stellar reputation and 95% success rate can be Cason's surgeon....YEA!!!!!  Also, this means I am free to deliver at Medical City therefore no separation of mommy & baby (except he will be in the NICU).  Now, I can schedule all the necessary appointments with my 4 doctors (OB, perinatologist, pediatric cardiologist, & pediatric cardio-thoracic surgeon). All of these doctors have to be coordinated to be in attendance (or very nearby) during my c-section.  Cason will probably join our world around January 10th because they want to take him at 38 weeks if he is developing properly. Whew...what a load off of my shoulders to finally have some answers.

As for everyone else, we are exhausted. We have had so many questions and scenarios running through our minds which has left little room for anything else.   Life goes on as usual, so I had to work on Friday & Sunday which left Sean to do his work plus care for Coyt.  My schoolwork was shoved to the side last week, but now I have to work double time to catch up. Thankfully, I don't have to work again until Friday.  We have noticed a change in Coyt's attitude (acting out mostly), but I feel that may be him sensing our emotions.  Hopefully with the good news today, we will send some positive vibes to him & have our sweet little boy back.  I have gone through the heavy crying stages, but being prego it will still pop up every once in awhile.  Also, I have definitely gone through my anger stage.  I opted our of blogging while angry because I didn't want to say anything wrong or offend anyone with my irrational thoughts.  In no way, do I ever wish this situation on any other family or any other child.  Luckily, Cason's family is well equipped between 2 RNs (mommy & grandma), 2 grandparents that have dealt with a sick child, and a paramedic Uncle.  God chose us for a reason and we are ready to weather the storm until the sunshine appears.

While I am still sad about the circumstances, I have decided to focus my emotions into preparing for Cason's arrival.  A lot goes into having a special needs child!!!  First item on the agenda is figuring out what to do with him when his mommy & daddy are at work.  His first month or so of life will most likely be in a hospital.  Then, he won't be able to be in a daycare type setting for at least the first year...maybe longer.  Nor can he drug around from house to house as that will not be beneficial to his recovery.  Unfortunately, I can't take off of work because I provide the medical insurance coverage.  Yes, my hubby sells insurance, but not the type of benefits we need for all of this.  Since I work three 12-hr shift each week, we have to find coverage those days.  One of those 3 days will be a weekend, so Sean can handle that.  We have some options for the other 2 days a week, but are waiting to hear if it will workout so we can finalize things.  Next thing is banking cord blood & stem cells.  I know there is a big controversy on these things, but I don't want to be regretting not doing so when Cason really needs it.  If anyone knows anything about it or has any suggestions, please let us know.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts!  Please continue to say prayers for Cason as I don't want him to suffer. Also, please say "thanks" to God for answering some of our prayers.  Sorry, I haven't answered phone calls or responded to messages, but I have been so overwhelmed with trying to wrap my mind around everything that has happened over the past few days.  Over the next few days, I will try to respond to some of the personal messages, but in case I don't get back to you...."THANK YOU!!!"  We are very lucky to have such wonderful, amazing, caring family & friends. 


  1. Hi there,

    A mutual friend sent me the link to your blog today. My husband and I went to SFA and my husband remembers Sean ( his exact words... "yeah, he was a really nice ATO"). My son was born in January with a very rare heart defect (first case Texas Children's here in Houston has seen and fixed), which is what prompted Ami to share your story with me. I will be thinking of you guys and sending up prayers.

    Also, I have some private information about core blood banking that you may benefit from. When you have a chance please e-mail me at tiffbrashear (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  2. Such great news! You will love Dr. Mendeloff. He is an incredible surgeon and cares so deeply about his patients and their families. Again, if there is anything I can do for you, please ask. I know what this journey is all about and I want to make it as easy for you and your family as possible. God bless!
